[01:20:46z] Recording started...
[01:20:46z] User Aircraft: Carenado PA34T SENECA V
[01:20:46z] Flight Phase: Boarding
[01:23:27z] Engine 1 started
[01:23:58z] Flaps 1 at 119 ft MSL with 0KIAS
[01:23:58z] Flaps 0 at 119 ft MSL with 0KIAS
[01:24:00z] Flaps 1 at 119 ft MSL with 0KIAS
[01:24:54z] Simulation Paused
[01:24:55z] Parking Brake set
[01:24:55z] Flaps 0 at 119 ft MSL with 0KIAS
[01:24:55z] Engine 1 stopped
[01:25:09z] Simulation Continued
[01:26:29z] Engine 2 started
[01:26:39z] Engine 2 stopped
[01:26:56z] Engine 1 started
[01:27:06z] Engine 1 stopped
[01:27:22z] Flaps 1 at 119 ft MSL with 0KIAS
[01:27:47z] Engine 1 started
[01:28:19z] Engine 2 started
[01:28:29z] Engine 2 stopped
[01:28:34z] Engine 2 started
[01:35:03z] Parking Brake released
[01:35:17z] Flaps 0 at 119 ft MSL with 5KIAS
[01:35:26z] Flight Phase: Taxi Out
[01:36:56z] Flight Phase: TakeOff
[01:37:07z] Gear Up at 162 ft MSL with 103KIAS
[01:37:23z] Flight Phase: Climbing
[01:39:33z] Recording stopped
[01:39:33z] Max. Simrate: 1x
[01:39:33z] Client: CCFTracker Free
[01:39:33z] Client Version: 1.2